Remote working in:
Italy is known for a relaxed way of life with a strong community focus. A stunning countryside and constant evidence of its classical history, not to mention some exceptional cuisine.
Employment laws in Italy and freelancing
If you are from outside of the EU, you need a work visa to work in Italy with the process of hiring foreign workers handled by a provincial immigration desk (or Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione).
You generally apply for a work visa after your prospective employer has been given approval to hire you and these can only be applied for from outside of the country. A slightly different visa is required for freelancing and requires a residence permit first.
Having a local employment contract from Hightekers however would allow you to skip this process whilst remaining fully locally compliant. Furthermore, it would allow you to qualify for a five year exemption of calculating taxable income through its Ritorno Dei Cervelli, or Anti-Brain-Drain law as you would have a full time contract issued from within the country.

Quality of life in Italy
The quality of life in Italy is high, with Bologna consistently coming out on top as the region with the highest quality of life. Around 58% of people between 15 to 64 have a paid job, which is below the European average of 67%, and there is a bit of an economic divide between the north and south of the country with the north enjoying a little more investment than the south.
Infrastructure in Italy
Internet infrastructure is still developing across Italy, although more than 90% of households do now have access to the internet. Additionally, more than 50% of Italy’s fixed broadband lines are now offering more than 100Mbps connections. The government has an initiative in place to drive for greater connectivity across the country and is also funding the rollout of 5G networks.

Transport in Italy
Trains are considered cost-effective and efficient, allowing you to get around the country easily with most destinations connected to the rail network. Buses are also an option, but can become frustrating in larger cities thanks to large volumes of traffic and narrow streets that were originally built to handle much less traffic in the city centres.
Cost of living in Italy
There is a difference in the cost of living in Italy depending on if you are living in the north or south of the country. Large cities like Rome or Milan are going to run up much higher bills with the significant costs being accommodation and transport. Food however can generally be found cheaper across the country when compared to other locations in Europe, especially when buying in-season local produce.

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