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Empowering Global Talent: A Conversation with Rahma Ben Maiz, Senior Consultant Manager at Hightekers

Last Updated
January 18, 2024
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Building Trust, Fostering Success


At Hightekers, our commitment to consultant satisfaction starts with the dedicated efforts of Rahma Ben Maiz, our esteemed Senior Consultant Manager. In a candid interview, Rahma shares her insights into the intricacies of her role and the crucial initial interactions she has with our consultants. Join us as we delve into her experiences, understanding how she navigates challenges, builds trust, and ensures that consultants feel valued from their very first interaction with our company:


What do you find most fulfilling about your role as the Senior Consultant Manager at Hightekers, particularly in the context of being the initial point of contact for our consultants?


What I find most satisfying in my role as Senior Consultant Manager is, above all, the daily contact I have with the Hightekers consultants, as their satisfaction and well-being are my priorities. I’m also fortunate enough to provide day-to-day support and training for the Consultant Support Coordinators who have recently joined our teams, which makes my role all the more challenging.


What are the key responsibilities and challenges you face when interacting with consultants at the onset of their journey with Hightekers?


The primary responsibilities I have when interacting with new consultants joining us mainly focus on being their point of reference at Hightekers. Thus, I must explain how the company operates and how they manage their accounts at all levels. Additionally, I must be available and respond promptly to their expectations, listening to them and providing a quality service to earn their loyalty and trust. The challenges I encounter on a daily basis involve managing a large volume of work within a relatively short time frame: keeping quality in quantity.


Building strong relationships is crucial in your role. How do you establish trust and rapport with consultants, ensuring they feel supported and valued from their very first interaction with our company?


To establish trust and ensure that our consultants feel supported from the outset, I initiate an Onboarding session with each of them from their first day. I then customise my support according to their needs and requests, taking the time during their induction to elaborate on our operations and address any inquiries they may have.


In your experience, what are some common expectations and concerns that consultants often have when approaching Hightekers? How do you address these to create a positive experience for them?


In my experience, the primary expectations of consultants joining us revolve around optimising and increasing their turnover. They expect a sales partner who is fully available and attentive to their needs. 

Similarly, consultants may raise considerations regarding the services, seeking guidance in areas like account management to bolster profitability. To help them understand their experience with Hightekers better, I transparently answer their questions, clarify my role and collaboration with them, and emphasise the positive experiences I’ve had with Hightekers.


Upholding Excellence, Empowering Consultants


In a world where relationships are the foundation of success, Rahma’s approach to building trust through transparency and customized support sets the tone for a positive experience with Hightekers. Her insights into consultants’ expectations and concerns enable us to continuously refine our services, ensuring that every interaction is a step towards their growth and success. Join us in celebrating Rahma Ben Maiz and her pivotal role in fostering strong, enduring relationships with our consultants at Hightekers.

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