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How can you improve your freelancers' well-being?

Last Updated
January 18, 2024
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Over the past few years, working with freelancers has become a common practice for companies large and small worldwide. Whether you’re a Digital Service Company, a large group or a recruitment agency, you have undoubtedly already had the opportunity to work with one or more freelance consultants. However, even though more and more companies rely on freelancers for their day-to-day operations, there is still a big difference in how freelancers are treated compared to a company’s in-house employees. Some companies are starting to realise that highly skilled and efficient freelancers have a huge added value for their operations. So, keeping their freelancers happy has become a top priority for them, as a happy freelancer is a catalyst for heightened efficiency and productivity across the board. Let’s look at how companies are closing this gap between freelancers and employees to offer all team members the satisfaction and well-being they deserve. 


Why do freelancers choose to work independently?


Freelancers can choose to work independently for various reasons, including autonomy, flexibility, and the ability to pursue their passion. According to McKinsey & Company, a quarter of independent workers choose this type of work for the autonomy and flexibility it offers. They cherish the ability to have more control over their work schedule and the projects they take on. This allows them to plan around important life events and ensure they enjoy their lives. 

Some independent professionals are extremely curious and have a real desire for continual growth and learning. By working with a wide variety of clients across many sectors, they are able to discover many new things daily. Another important for some is earning potential. Professionals who perform strategic medium- to long-term projects, tend to choose self-employment to apply their industry-specific expertise to high-billing projects and to turn their passion into a career. Earning potential is generally significantly higher for freelancers compared to salaried employees. 

Yet others aren’t able to thrive in the traditional hierarchical structures usually found in medium to large companies. They prefer complete autonomy and independence. This self-directed approach fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, allowing freelancers to navigate their careers with a level of flexibility that traditional employment often lacks.

While independence is not without its challenges, the allure of autonomy, professional growth, and diverse experiences continue to drive individuals towards freelance work. For those seeking to break free from traditional employment, the freelance life offers a compelling alternative, one that promises flexibility, self-direction, and the opportunity to forge a unique professional journey.


The growing importance Of well-being at work


In the last few years, and even more since the COVID-19 pandemic, the concept of well-being at work has taken centre stage in many workplace discussions. With work encompassing an essential aspect of our lives, shaping our identities and contributing to our overall well-being, this evolution is not surprising. 

For employees and freelancers alike, the pursuit of workplace fulfilment has become a driving force. We yearn for engagement, motivation, and a sense of purpose in our work. This desire is especially prominent among freelancers, who often embrace independence to pursue their passions and chart their own career paths. However, the path to fulfilment in freelancing is not without its challenges.

Solo freelancing, while offering flexibility and autonomy, can also be isolating. The lack of a traditional office environment and a close-knit team can lead to feelings of loneliness and detachment. Moreover, freelancers often face administrative complexities, fluctuating income streams, and the constant pressure to secure new clients. These challenges can contribute to stress, anxiety, and a sense of uncertainty.

To address these concerns and foster a more fulfilling freelance experience, it is crucial to bridge the gap between independent contractors and in-house employees. By extending the same level of care and consideration to freelancers as we do to our own staff, we can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for all.


What can you do to make your freelance consultants feel more fulfilled?


​​Navigating the various ways to ensure the well-being and satisfaction of your consultants can be a little challenging. Here are targeted strategies you can use to imbue their experience with a sense of fulfilment:

Onboarding: Set the Stage for Success

Extend a welcoming hand from the outset by providing freelance consultants with a comprehensive and high-quality onboarding experience. This is particularly important when anticipating a long-term partnership. A seamless onboarding process not only introduces them to your organizational dynamics but also sets the stage for a productive and harmonious collaboration.

Parties, Events, and Teambuilding

Break down the virtual walls and integrate freelance consultants into the social fabric of your company. Extend invitations to company parties, events, and team-building activities, treating them not merely as external contributors but as valued team members. By fostering a sense of connection beyond project discussions, you build a community where everyone feels connected and invested.

Offer Them A Seat at the Table

Grant freelance consultants a seat at the table by including them in important meetings. This will not only keep them informed about overarching company strategies but will also make them feel integral to the decision-making process. In doing so, you communicate a sense of trust and recognition of their expertise.

Communicate With Honesty and Motivation

Make sure your channels of communication are open and authentic communication. Talk to them as important parts of the company by acknowledging their contributions, sharing successes, and fostering an environment where every voice, regardless of employment status, is valued. This not only instils motivation but also reinforces a shared sense of purpose.

Equal Benefits for Equal Dedication

Try bridging the benefits gap by offering freelance consultants similar benefits as your in-house employees. Whether it’s access to professional development opportunities, health and wellness initiatives, or other perks, establishing parity in benefits reinforces their significance to the organisation. This approach goes beyond financial compensation and illustrates a commitment to their overall well-being.

Implementing these strategies not only enhances the work experience for freelance consultants but also contributes to a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture, where everyone, regardless of their employment arrangement, feels truly fulfilled.


Offer your freelancers a structural and reassuring framework


One of the best ways to offer your freelancers support and benefits is by collaborating with a managing company. A managing company, like Hightekers, will allow you to keep your freelancers happy in many ways. Here are a few benefits for the freelancers:

  • We offer employee benefits to freelancers in our network on your behalf, ranging from health insurance to daycare depending on the country.
  • We allow your freelancers from anywhere in the world by offering them local contracts and helping them obtain visas and work permits. 
  • We can take care of all their paperwork, from contracts to billing, freeing up their valuable time. 
  • Our incentive-based referral program also provides them with opportunities to generate additional income, and freelancers can connect with our entire network of expert consultants.

But working with us won’t only benefit your freelancers. It will also benefit you: 

  • We help you cut costs and improve your margins, whilst simultaneously meeting freelancer pay expectations. 
  • We manage your freelancers. Once you’ve found the right freelancer, we become their main point of contact. This allows you to free up time to focus on other important aspects of your job as a recruiter.
  • We allow you to recruit internationally by acting as your international employment law experts, so you don’t have to familiarize yourselves with all international recruitment laws or have to compromise on recruiting the right people.
  • This also allows you to explore new markets by recruiting specialists living in the areas. This immediate physical presence will help you evaluate whether it’s somewhere you can expand into.

And these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg. Our goal is to ensure both you and your freelance consultants are happy throughout your collaboration. Get in touch to find out even more about how we can help you improve your freelancers’ well-being.

Fostering the well-being of freelance consultants is not just a strategic move but can help unlock a dynamic and harmonious collaboration. From seamless onboarding to inclusive participation in company events, and the establishment of support structures like managing companies are all strategies that not only enhance project outcomes but contribute to a thriving organizational culture. The shift towards prioritizing the integration of freelance consultants into the company teams and dynamics is an investment in both individual success and overall workplace dynamism.

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